Tuesday, March 2, 2010

invitation from Zeszyty Komiksowe

the next issue of Zeszyty Komiksowe magazine will be about experimental comics. we are welcome to present our blog somehow, these can be theoretical texts as well as comics. each published author will get a free copy of the magazine.

The issue we are talking about (number 10) is planned around June 2010, so we should prepare and send all materials in May, I guess.

more from the editors:

they are mostly interested in such things:
- the theory of borders of the art of comics
- experimental comics: yesterday, today and tomorrow
- experimental comics in Poland and in other countries.
- experiments concerning artistic features, form, narration, subjects
- comics and new media
- comics and other arts
- analysis of interesting experimental comics

they want theoretical or historical articles, crytical analysis or texts written by authors (about how their experience with experimental comics)

they also wait for proposals concerning interesting artist or theoreticians, with whom interviews should be made.

last but not least, they want to publish some outstanding experimental comics.

so you can write to them (English or Polish. the magazine will be in Polish - but the translations can be arranged somehow) at redakcja@zeszytykomiksowe.org or we can plan something first and coordinate our activities, to help them create a very interesting issue.

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