Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Scene done today. Action scheme of the murderer and suicide :F


And my first plasticine creation, made in March 2008.
Frame 1: I feel lonely and abandoned.
2: Fuuck! Fuck it!
3: This is what you want. So here it is.
The lovewithout time has come for you.

philosophy of life

May 2008.
Preatreatment. Digestion. Extrection. Repeat.
Some people live like that

dog and human

This work was created in February 2009, inspired by the music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByOZWuC3vFE Both are my favourites private.
Frames 1, 2, 3 - empty, silent, cold room, there is no food and dog wants to go for a walk.
4 - Postman! He always knocking once. He probably have a lot of duties.
5 - Nobody visit us.
6 - My master sleep for 9 days.
7 - I'll have a nap. Maybe my master awake in the meantime.

let your eyes open

elephant hunting

Created in 2007. At that time in this way I experimented with the art of comic. I had great fun doing this.

famagusta - stairs

a new portion of pieces from the famagusta project:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

simpl turns

Where are you people?

Am I the only member of this experimental society? Where are your masterpieces? Hello?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Evening sun in the forest