I would like to invite you all to a next minianthology (well, it doesn't have to turn out mini :) ). this would be a gathering of experimental comics that have something to do with adding.
the idea of adding/collage/phases of the process/a+d+d+i+n+g/two lines --=+/what can we add to comics/what do you add to create a comics/what would you like to add?/spices/addiction (well, it's just a stream of keywords)/we/synergy/interactions/...
each author can send as many pages as he or she wishes.
A4 format, vertical.
deadline: till the end of May, this year.
please send the comics to pszren@wp.pl as attachments.
the file will be available in .pdf
a printed copy of the anthology will be sent to National Library in Warsaw, Poland. you may certainly also send copies to some libraries.
please sign each piece - there will be no "Contents" page.